This is a title of an article on skin care from 1965 and not only does the title fascinate me but also how skin care has changed, although some basics are still the same. By the way, my Mom saved this article as she was as passionate about skin care as I am. In fact, I owe much to her for being the role model she was in both how she cared for herself and her curiosity about skin care products.
But back to the article. Here were the five simple steps to follow every day for beautiful skin that he would love to touch.
Today an effective daily regimen includes:
Cleanse, twice at night
Eye cream
Exfoliate - 2 to 3 times a week
Interesting isn’t it! By cleansing it is strongly suggest taking off all your makeup every night - that hasn’t changed - don’t prematurely age by keeping it on! By stimulate, they suggested rinsing in warm water and then splash with cold water for more radiance. Moisturizing is protecting the skin,` so moisture is not lost - pretty similar to today. Lubricate is using oils to protect your natural skin oil. Today that is usually addressed with using an oil or having oil in your moisturizer. And finally exercise - they suggest ones for specific areas of the face including the forehead, mouth, eyes, chin and jawline to be done every day to keep firmness. Today, we suggest micro-current, or yoga for the face, to exercise and tone your facial muscles.
In conclusion, we are not too far from the 1965 steps of a good daily skin regimen to maintain beautiful skin. In 1965 it was more basic - no exfoliation, but emphasis on exercising the muscles, but they didn’t exercise their bodies as we do today. Skin care today has more sophisticated products to choose from although the steps are not that different.
One thing to add to your regimen today is facial exercises. Just as we know exercising our bodies is good for our health and keeps us firm and toned, consider working the muscles of your face so gravity doesn’t get the best of you! There are books with various exercises for facial muscles and also micro-current treatments which stimulate muscles to lift and tone. Consider either of these to keep your skin in great shape - The Skin Men Love to Touch!